Day One Hundred and Sixteen - Sunset Tree

A creeper is slowly engulfing a tree near our house. I think this tree has potential to feature again, and I was going to post a wide, wide view of it, but I think the wide one can be improved on another day - especially if I remember my flash!


  1. If you think the wide shot can be improved upon, then you are truly searching for perfection. I think it's amazing!

  2. Thanks James - Watch this space... One day I'll get round to doing it again. Nearly had a go a few days ago with a stunning sunset behind it, but I don't think that the sunset improved it - needs blue sky, low sun, but better lighting on the tree too...

  3. I agree with James R, the panorama takes my breath away! So there, James B!

  4. ooops, that was Sarah commenting, not James Broscombe at all! Now you look like a schizoid loony! Your wife thinks the panorama is amazing, although I like the treetrunk shot too. Now just catch the dragonflies hovering on fire in the low sunlight and the panorama will be perfect!

  5. For perfection... the truncated heart's tongue shaped leaves climbing the tree need to be highlighted even more (for me) they seema at odds with the rest of the shot, the interest, the invader perhaps, they seemsinister forsome reason
