Day Seventy Seven - Broken Bridge Panorama

Upriver from the Dadanawa crossing a new bridge has been built. In the worst part of the rainy season it isn't possible to make it over the savannah to the bridge, but at other times, when the river is too high to either drive over at Dadanawa, or use the Dadanawa pontoon, this bridge is high enough to clear the water (it's hard to believe, looking at the photo, that the water level will rise almost to the level of the bridge - I'd guess that's about 8m).

Sadly, almost as soon as the bridge was finished, in time for the rains last year, it collapsed in the middle as a large caterpillar tracked digger was crossing it. The machine fell into the fast curent, but somehow the digger bucket caught on the bridge, and it wasn't swept away. The windows shattered and the driver was swept out. He was swept downriver, but got to some trees and escaped unharmed.

Note: This photo is a 180 degree panorama - the bridge is straight, but appears to have a 90 degree bend in it - if it didn't, it wouldn't fit on one picture!