Day Four Hundred and Ninety Seven - Another One Bites the Dust

Maybe a motorbike repair business underneath your wooden house is asking for trouble? There goes another Georgetown wooden building.


  1. What's the visual version of a cacophony? This is a vibrant or violent clash for the eyes- can't look at it for long. Amazing detail in all that ruination.

  2. Anon again? He is showing up rather often :) Prior to the fire I've been very tempted to take a photo of the "visual cacophony" but they were doing something illegal by having that repair shop and all those bikes. I didn't think they would welcome someone taking photos. It was clearly a fire trap though. Nicely shot, I'd call this one "Aftermath".

  3. Good job. Your blog is very interesting.

    Big hugs fron Spain

  4. Nice shot, I agree with Nik, I was tempted to photograph it before, but they wouldn't have looked too kindly on that I suppose :-)
